Sleep Apnea 101

Sleep Apnea

Sleep is an essential component of our well-being and overall health, helping to restore body and mind. When sleep is interrupted through chronic snoring and sleep apnea, there are a variety of complications and health effects that result from abnormal breathing during sleep. While sleep apnea is more common among male adults, it’s important to note the potential risk factors and treatment options within a potential diagnosis.

There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles relax in the back throat, causing the airway to shrink and become more restricted which results in lower oxygen levels in the brain. Central sleep apnea is a bit more dangerous, as the brain fails to send signals to your muscles that allow you to breathe.

Your risk for developing sleep apnea starts by the age of early 30, and continues to increase into your 70’s. While snoring is a telltale sign of a potential sleep apnea diagnosis, it’s important to know the risk factors that coincide with sleep apnea as well as effective treatment options. Health-related factors such as obesity, enlarged tonsils, smoking, and your family health history. While CPAP machines may be effective for some in treating sleep apnea, CPAP machines are bulky, difficult to clean and travel with, and can be expensive.

As an alternative, Dr. Vereen offers a more simple and convenient method to treat Sleep Apnea. The Panthera Classic is a non-invasive alternative to CPAP machines. Simply worn as a retainer, the small device helps to mechanically open the airways while you sleep at night. The device moves your jaw forward to open your airway, which enables you to breathe at night without the airway collapsing– it’s a simple retainer with hinges. The benefit of using this mouthpiece is that it’s non-invasive, doesn’t require power, is easy to clean and travel with, and can be more comfortable to sleep with over a CPAP. Dr. Vereen also offers EMA’s and other non-invasive oral devices as an alternative to CPAP machines.

Whether you are diagnosed or undiagnosed with sleep apnea, call Dr. Vereen’s office to schedule a consultation and find the right treatment plan for you.

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