Our cosmetic dentist in Aiken, Trey Vereen, DMD, truly believes that patients should be treated like family. With that in mind, Dr. Vereen and his skilled dental team strive to deliver a friendly, respectful bedside manner while providing effective treatment that can improve your oral health. Through our extensive selection of dental treatment options, we can address a range of common concerns. By utilizing modern technology and state-of-the-art procedures, our patients can attain optimal dental health and beautiful smiles.
Our top priority is to improve the state of our patients’ oral health. To help us achieve this, we offer an array of general and preventive dental care options. Our team offers thorough oral exams and dental cleanings, digital x-rays, oral cancer screenings, periodontal care, and more. With these routine procedures, we can precisely diagnose common problems such as decay, cavities, gum disease, and other issues. General and preventive dental care options can help you maintain the health of your teeth and gums and identify any potential problems as early as possible.
Cosmetic dentistry can beautifully enhance the appearance of the teeth and gums. The various treatments we offer range from cosmetic bonding to gummy smile treatment and many other options. Porcelain veneers are one of our most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, as they can address a number of common aesthetic concerns with natural-looking results. Teeth whitening is another frequently requested option here at our practice, offering patients an effective way to brighten the teeth and reduce signs of stains and discolorations. In addition, many of our patients can benefit from the discreet Invisalign® orthodontic system, which utilizes clear, removable aligners instead of metal braces to correct teeth misalignment issues. Our comprehensive selection of cosmetic dentistry treatment options can be a great way to renew the look of your smile with stunning results.
Dental problems can often affect both the way we look and the way our teeth function. The advanced reconstructive dentistry options at our practice can be ideal solutions for the correction of common concerns such as missing teeth, damaged tooth structure, cavities, decay, and other issues. Dental implants, removable dentures, and full mouth rehabilitation are just some of the treatments we offer to help patients improve the function of their teeth and the appearance of their smile.
Comprehensive dental care includes more than preventive, cosmetic, and reconstructive dentistry procedures. Our dental team believes that going the extra mile is what sets us apart from others. Our advanced dental care options include sedation dentistry techniques, TMJ Disorder treatment, and custom sleep apnea solutions. We are committed to helping individuals address a number of issues that may be affecting their daily lives and their overall health.
15 Tea Olive Court
Aiken, SC 29803
Open Mon–Thurs